Samuel O’Brien’s Journey to Building True Gold Republic

The Rise of Samuel O’Brien: From Alternative Investments to True Gold Republic

Samuel O’Brien’s journey as an entrepreneur is a testament to determination and vision. From a young age, Samuel O’Brien always admired successful business figures, which fueled his passion for entrepreneurship. This article delves into his inspiring path to founding True Gold Republic and becoming a notable figure in the precious metals industry.

Early Inspirations and Career Beginnings

From an early age, Samuel O’Brien was captivated by the stories of successful entrepreneurs around him. This fascination drove him to pursue a career in business, opting to enter the marketplace directly after completing his A levels, despite offers from top UK universities. His first job at a firm dealing with alternative investments marked the beginning of his professional journey.

In this role, Samuel O’Brien developed a love for sales and effective communication, quickly climbing the ranks due to his strong performance. His transition to the gold industry came when a former colleague recruited him to an American gold company based in London. Here, he became the youngest Senior Account Executive, setting records during the Brexit period.

The Formation of True Gold Republic

Samuel O’Brien’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to collaborate with a former colleague to expand a small precious metals firm into the largest bullion dealer in the UK. In 2019, Samuel proposed the idea of expanding to the US, founding True Gold Republic in Palm Beach, Florida. Under his leadership, the company grew to 20 employees with offices in Los Angeles and Miami, challenging major gold companies in the US market.

Overcoming Challenges and Future Goals

One of the significant challenges Samuel faced was entering a new country with no prior business experience. Despite his sales prowess, he lacked knowledge in marketing and advertising. Through relentless self-education and seeking advice from industry experts, Samuel overcame these obstacles. His success story includes going from zero to $5 million in the first year of business with a $100k investment.

Samuel O’Brien’s entrepreneurial mindset is deeply rooted in stoicism, allowing him to handle stress and adversity without losing sight of his goals. His future plans include making True Gold Republic a top 10 precious metals dealer in the US with over $200 million in revenue. His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to be fully committed, assemble a great team, and be willing to work hard, especially in the early years.

For more information about True Gold Republic, visit and follow on Samuel on Instagram. 

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