Who is the CEO of ERGO PARTNERS?
Nancy: “Villar Steven Boyle.”
What is the main aim of the company?
Nancy: “Our company aims at helping our clients invest in a globally diversified portfolio and our cutting-edge technology helps them set up their investment portfolios in order to maximise returns and manage their investments without the trouble of high fees from traditional investments management. Our goal is to positively impact the economy and well-being of our investors, those we invest in and with, as well as the communities in which we do business. We achieve this by working with extraordinary people and a flexible capital strategy to help our clients solve real world financial problems. With over $100 Billion in assets focused on public debt and equity, life science, real estate, and private equity,
Millennial investors are now able to access investment services that up until now was only available to the super rich. Our investment systems do the work that our clients find time consuming and too demanding to do on their own. ERGO PARTNERS is backed by a team of world-class financial experts and the best technology talent.
Our Investment Advisory Committee are recognised thought leaders in the investment community. They play an advisory role in asset investment management process and serve as a sounding board for ERGO PARTNERS’ management team. As a company our objective is to build the world’s most human friendly financial company. We are one of the finest investment firms in the world and a leader in fixed income investing, ERGO PARTNERS has capabilities spanning all publicly traded fixed income sectors and absolute return investing.”
What are other goals the company hope to achieve?
Nancy: “Our major goal is to help everyone achieve financial freedom, no matter who they are or how much they have. We’re redefining what it means to manage your money by making simple, smart and affordable financial products for everyone. Our products are Backed by some of the biggest financial firms and tech investors, we manage $120+ Billion in investments. We’re a “unicorn” now and growing faster than ever. Our team of over 600 employees work collaboratively to build the best possible experience for our clients, and then make it even better — we ship fast, then improve it. Everyone is a maker and an owner: that means no layer of bureaucracy or red tape, and rigorously prioritising to avoid meeting-packed days. We even have a dedicated meeting-free day each week, so everyone has the time to think, create and innovate, without interruptions.”
What idea is the company founded on?
Nancy: “The Company is founded on the belief that financial freedom is a human right. ERGO PARTNERS sets out to democratise wealth by giving the financial tools of the rich to everyone. We help Main Street families get the protection they need at a price they can afford, invest for the future and get out of debt. We help families as well as institutions make sustainable investments with fundamental financial principles that aren’t taught in schools. We provide all our clients an opportunity to transform their lives.”
“ERGO PARTNERS is registered to provide middle income earners financial services, such as insurance and Investment opportunities in the United States and across the globe. ERGO PARTNERS has been described as a multi-level marketing with the company’s three tiers commission structure for representatives and recruiters of its financial products and services. The company was founded in 1996. What started out as a private investment firm managing the investments of a select few, later opened its doors to the public in 2008 saving nearly a million families from complete desolation during the 2007/2008 financial crisis.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020, ERGO PARTNERS Corp paid out $1.7 billion in death claims. This was a 15.8% increase over 2019. The financial services company ended 2021 with $900 billion in active term life insurance.