An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Theresa A. Moseley

It’s an honor to speak with you today.

Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story? How did you get to where you are today?I am from Fayetteville, NC, where my dad served in the Army. I joined the Army right after high school. During basic training, I realized I had innate leadership skills. After leaving the Army, I used my GI Bill to attend college. After earning three degrees, the last being a PhD in Education Administration, I began my career as a school administrator. Throughout my career in education, which included roles such as a guidance counselor, School Improvement Specialist, Assistant Principal, High School Principal, and Area 3 Administrator, I focused on my leadership skills and helped develop a team of leaders in my school using the tenets of Transformational Leadership.

I lost two students to violence, which marked the beginning of my campaign for No More Violence. A year before I retired, I started my business, TAM Creating Ambassadors of Peace LLC, a Veteran Owned Small Business that provides motivational speeches to groups looking for ways to resolve conflicts in the community, schools, and other organizations wanting to create a peaceful climate and culture. I also provide professional development on Transformational Leadership and speak on Women Empowerment.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
In the beginning, time management was a challenge. During the first year of my business, I was still working full time as an administrator and found it difficult to dedicate the necessary time to build my brand. I also started out using my own capital to fund my business, which cut into my profits. Selling was another hurdle I had to overcome. I was not comfortable with selling until I learned to recognize my own value and worth. Now, four years later, I am thriving and moving forward with my vision and making a difference.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I specialize in Leadership Development and Creating Peace. With over 27 years in education and over 49 years in leadership, including my military experience, my knowledge and expertise are vast. I have always been placed in a leadership role everywhere I worked. Additionally, I use my books to train. I authored the book Essential Soft Skills for Effective Leadership with 20 other experts covering communication, collaboration, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, creativity, empathy, adaptability, integrity, and organization. Each chapter includes strategies to implement the soft skill and reflective journal questions. I use this book as a tool to develop leaders and to teach them how to build the capacity of their leadership teams to grow more leaders. What sets me apart from the competition is my ability to connect with the audience as a practitioner, and I align my training with my purpose to make the world a more peaceful place.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
Do what YOU love to do. Be passionate about your work. Know your gift and share it with the world. Read as much as possible and write down what you want to accomplish. Find a mentor or accountability partner to help you monitor your personal and professional goals. Never give up. There is an answer for every problem. Find the solution and move forward.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
Success means finding fulfillment, prosperity, and inner peace. When a person finds their purpose and lives in it day in and day out, success is bound to happen. It’s about being able to balance your career, personal life, and personal growth and development. I believe that everyone has the potential to be successful if they live in their purpose. Peace of mind, financial security, and emotional well-being follow success.

What’s next for you?
In April, I will be attending a global festival in New Delhi, India, as a Global Peace Ambassador. I will also speak on world peace and inner peace. In May, I am speaking at the 2025 Next Gen Global Women’s Leadership Summit in Merida, Mexico. In September, I have my Third Annual Passion Purpose Peace Summit on September 20, 2025, and a Three-Day Virtual Summit from September 17-19, 2025, during International Peace Week. During this week, I will launch my 26th book Peace Within The Home, The School, The Community.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
The best way for people to reach me is on my website You can subscribe to my website and get updated information on my events and new releases. My website links to all my social media sites. You can also schedule an appointment to meet with me.

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